
Apache Camel - using service call EIP with EUREKA and spring boot.

Apache Camel, Service EIP, Eureka, Ribbon and Springboot. This article deals with advanced topic on the use of camel, service discovery, auto balancing and springboot.  This is not introductory blog for these topics. I have been playing with Apache Camel for few weeks now and every day I am getting more and more impressed with the capabilities of this tool. Camel has very easy to use http4 component that can be used to call other services.  Using this component is straight forward.  Here is example: from("direct:callme").to( "http4://" + uRL); This is works very well in traditional development when the url of the receiving system is know in advance.  However, in cloud environment with microservices one does not have a luxury of having that knowledge.  In this case a recommended approach is to use some sort of service discovery mechanism. Service discovery, is simple tool whose sole function is to keep track of what services are running and where d